Wow I just watched the myth. I thought it was fantastic... and i'm beginning to regret having not catch it on the big screen. The theme song is still ringing in my head; I want the song! haha. I think Jackie Chan is just so talented. I've just made a promise to myself that I will catch his next show on the big screen. It's 2.30am now but i'm still wide awake... happens to me all the time when I watch an action-packed movie so I've decided to post some pictures and add some content to my blog which will most likely expire in 5 months time. Yeah and my flatmate is still out partying; I hope he is not freezing outside. (-21 degrees.. brrrrr)
And I hate uploading photos in blogger... it's so hard to get them to the place I want them to be. Anyone has a better idea for uploading photos?
Oh and my finnish friend has just moved into my neighbourhood and she invited me to her house warming; such a great chance to meet real finnish ppl :D Any suggestions for a house warming gift?
For my brother: this is half of my room; can't get an angle to capture the whole room.
The other half.
This is senate square. Friederike (corner of the picture) went with me to the city centre hoping to get some free posters for our rooms from the tourist centre... but it was closed bcos there was an ongoing travel fair.. no luck. But fortunately, it was -6 degrees that day and snowing so we got to see a beautiful snow covered helsinki. This was really really more beautiful than the last time I was here.
Outiside the church at senate square.
For my cousin: Interior of the church; it's really grand, yeah that's friederike admiring the design on the ceiling.
This is the church i'm talking about. Didn't manage to take a clear picture at that temperature cos my hands were trembling too badly.

This is from my fren's camera. It makes me feel shameful that I still do not know how to ice-skate. I must learn to do it!!!
From my fren's camera again. Don't you think this is such a well-taken photo?
your room bloody big, i jealous.
yeah, 3 times the size of the room in TH. big but not much furniture.
oh Yvonne. She is Christian right? I get ard 4 hours on a good sunny day. Sometimes I get none. Yep and my room is really huge.. so big that I have no idea how to fully utilise the space. hehe
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