Reindeer meat for the last time...
And today I happily spent S$80 on a meal at Kuu (finnish specialties restaurant). Yes and I really mean it when I say happily… no signs of regret after that nor symptoms of the inability to swallow my food.
The appetizer… salmon soup with toasted rye bread

Main dish…. Reindeer fillet with fried barley

The remaining Leppavaara gang

I guess the dinner was too nice that I conveniently forgot to take pictures of the cheese and dessert of chocolate tart with orange sorbet… well, so readers out there just use your imagination k? =p
Well, this was a sort of final farewell dinner because Andrea would return to Italy tomorrow and me to Singapore on Friday. So, when dinner ended, I presented my little gifts to my friends and they were really touched. It affected me quite a bit cos it showed me how much they feel for me and I was also on the verge of tears.
It’s always sad to part but I guess that’s part of life. I guess what’s important is that we cherish the moments now and remember it for life. Like what I told them, “all of you will become part of my grandpa tale to my grandchildren in the many years to come… the chapter of grandpa Ivan’s adventures in Finland”
Emotions are running high now. Still I will finish this blog entry.
This was 2 days ago when Andrea and me decided that we should indulge in the legendary gigantic burger from grilli (fast food kiosk near our place). And I found out that it is not legendary.. it’s really huge:

Me and Andrea preparing to sink our teeth into the sandwich

And the day before, we were off to the tallest building in Helsinki for a drink in the pub and hopefully catch some nice view of the city.
Independence day??

Me and Anais (the girl from France whom I met on the trip to st petersburg)

Who can forget, my dear Fabian…

The expensive cocktail I had… Aalto… fortunately it was nice

And this was taken when we walked from Kuu restaurant to the train station. Mind you this was 10pm already

Once again the remaining chaps

And finally, on our way back, I took some pictures to remind myself of the path I frequent during my stay in Finland
First the underground portion of Leppavaara train station

Next the path from the station to my apartment

Although I still have 2 days before I officially say goodbye to Leppavaara but I’m already starting to feel nostalgic…
I miss you Leppavaara especially the wonderful chaps who made it so special.
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