taking the easy way out

The street along where I stay
Alright I had intended to account for every single day I spent in Finland so far but I just can't find the motivation to start recalling the events. So I shall do this haphazardly (whenever I feel like it). At least, I will have more stuff on my blog for reading; I hope. Anteeksi (sorry in finnish) for making this blog look like a photo blog. Well, I started my finnish classes... they were really interesting but this is really a difficult language; it sucks that I cannot show off more of my finnish because my keyboard does not have 2 vowels they use. School started but i'm not at all feeling unmotivated because they do not use the bell curve here for grading and I finally felt how is it like to be learning stuff purely for the sake of gaining knowledge; in singapore it is for passing exams and getting 'A's. As good as it sounds, exchange has started to make me appreciate myself being singaporean (seriously).
And after going to a club here, I don't think I will want to go to one in singapore anymore. The atmosphere is different and it is really more fun here. You get to meet ppl and get acquainted with them. Now this is what I call a real club. But then again those in Singapore are much safer I guess... at least for girls who get too drunk.
Oh and zara is the cheapest boutique here and so I got all the clothes I needed for this -20 degrees temperature country. I guess I will be too branded when I go back to Singapore. Haha. I actually have many more photos of the night view of the city area but it takes a really long time to upload those. So I have done it only selectively. Ask from me when i'm back in Singapore. Btw the internet connection I have here is 512 because I live off campus (shucks!)
Just when I thought my blog was the most outdated, I saw Jinfu's. He has only one post so far! HAHAHAHAHA. Ok I will try to make this longer in the 30 minutes I have left before i'm off to barfly. I think I shall start a new post... this is too long I guess.
haha, the dried clothes look quite cool... like clay statues... haha!
u all look like you're having the time of ur life there... stop comparing to Spore la... diff place, diff culture...
p/s I juz found out my printer died in its sleep. Sigh, first my son, now my brother...
I guess it is fun because everything is novel to me? What can students from singapore do other than compare? haha. It goes to show i'm still singaporean.
Your printer died? now that's not my fault. i'm sorry for your squash racket though; u r weird, stop calling your belongings your son, your brother, friend.. haha
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