I think I have had too much fun over the weekend; feeling a slight hangover at the moment but i'm actually surprised at how I fast I managed to get my focus back on work. Maybe that's a sign of maturing. Sometimes I wonder if being matured = being more disciplined. If that is the case then maybe I can say that our society advocates individuals to control their basic animal instinct? Alright alright I shall stop thinking.... I do think sociologists have a tough job; I wonder how often they confuse themselves.
Anyway, the weekend was filled with loads of walking, searching for cheap and nice bargains in town. Haven't done this for quite some time (since my NS days.. i think), ended up to be quite fun although tiring. I really think the company makes a big difference; thanks ah Ms Glutton. I was determined not to buy anything but just window shop to keep my fashion sense updated but I guess I succumbed to both the attraction of the product and the persuasion of shopping queen so in the end, i bought a pair of berms and a packet of coffee powder.
The berms were nothing interesting but the coffee was:

Cuppa coffee. I should say I bought it 90% due to the very nice and patient salesman who went all out to find something that suits my taste; i am no coffee connosieur if you are wondering. I only got this "addiction" during my exchange in Finland. Talking about that, I really have to thank my flatmate then, Andrea for sharing with me his interest in coffee. The coffee powder he uses is from Lecce, Italy. I still think that was the best coffee i ever tasted so far. Maybe that explains why I like to try new coffee powder... maybe subconsciously I am hoping to find something that is of the same quality if not, better? I have no idea how i fell in love with this kind of "ang moh" coffee cos it's naturally more bitter and seems more diluted as compared to those you find in the kopitiams. BUt dun be fooled by the diluted appearance, it actually has a stronger aroma than those you find in kopitiams. So maybe that shows that I am more of a smell person than taste? since I am willing to put up with the bitterness for the aroma? oh... i am thinking too much again. haha.
I nearly was able to taste some of the chilean wines that were sold at the coffee booth but there was a stupid uncle who came forward and tried to show off his knowledge in wines to the salesman. I think it must have freaked him out. I so much wanted to tell the uncle: "Eh if you think you so good, don't waste your talent, go join him as a salesman" But decided not to cos this kind of ppl sure got a glib tongue and it will be so paiseh if i lose the debate with him. So i grabbed my packet of columbian Cuppa and left.

Just had my first cup of the columbian cuppa... oooh I must say it tasted better than any of the powder I bought from cold storage. I guess the best part of it is that it does not leave a dry feeling in your mouth after drinking it.
I can't wait to finish this packet cos I came across this really interesting shop in dhoby exchange. It's called jamocha: the beanie boutique. They were having a promotion for coffee powder which the boss imports in by himself. Both Ms Glutton and I agreed that the boss opened the shop purely based on interest cos he looks old enough to have retired. Managed to get hold of this informative brochure from him which explains how coffee beans are categorised, the terminology that ppl use to describe coffee and the proper way to grind coffee.
Just when I thought I could get by with cheaper 3 in 1 coffee... i was wrong.
Re-kindled coffee love.