Thursday, February 22, 2007


Here's what you are paying for to get "high":

Effects of alcohol:

1) mAKES your brain SHRINK; yes the perfect stupidity potion

2) mess up your coordination so you look like an idiot

3) vomitting so that you can choke on your own vomit while you are unconscious

4) dehydrates you so that you can look more matured aka age faster

5) kills your liver which gives u a reason to start saving for a replacement

6) increases your risk of contracting cancer; a good incentive to get some hardcore health insurance

7) hangover; the perfect reason to get an MC the next day

8) makes you aggressive; beat up someone and you get to experience life in Changi

9) makes you fail the breathalyser test; start looking for an agent to sell your precious car

Well, isn't it weird that ppl still enjoy paying money for this?

Maybe the government should pass a law for compulsory drinking since the Earth is so over-populated now.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ivan is happy because he made a timely and good decision.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mr Zeng

This is Mr Zeng, he is enroute to UK where he will drink a lot, slack a lot and study really little. I had my fair share in Finland but I am still very jealous!!!

Well, I think that will be my last time seeing Mr Zeng in NUS. I'm sure we will keep in touch somehow. He is a Mr Nice Guy; help to take over my takraw captain's 烂摊子.

These are the alcoholics from A3. Looking forward to our CNY corridor party! HAHA

Friday, February 09, 2007

“阿 bee ,你的眼泪很大啊!"